Why Does This Website Exist?
This site started out as an amateur astronomy website but has morphed into a place to share my thoughts, ideas, pictures, projects, music, art… whatever I happen to find interesting! This site serves as my online presence since I do not have social media.
Thanks for visiting! If you have any questions or comments, please feel free to contact me at:
Make it a great day!
-Jeffrey Fisher

Latest Posts
Sound and Being
Sound doesn’t happen outside, around us. True, the sound begins in a person’s throat, or at the meeting point of a hammer and nail, but that’s not where the sound is. Events like…
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A Morning Run, Then a Lie Down
This time of year the grass is usually dry and brittle, worn out after another year of rain, then relentless heat. It makes sounds on feet like stiff yellow straw. But this late…
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Potential Thoughts
We all have these little communication devices in our hands most of the day. They’re little extensions of us, of how we communicate. They get their energy from tiny batteries inside…
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Cardboard Computer
– Facebot 2020 – The boundaries between things – where lines are drawn – that’s where interesting things happen. Think coastlines, weather fronts, and the swirling…
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Meaningful Distractions
The world is changing so fast. We are truly living in the future. I’m not yet 40 years old and in my lifetime alone we’ve gone from one rotary phone per household to a cellular…
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Featured Post
The construction of the Fisher Observatory
In early 2012, I posted this thought I had regarding space and my love for astronomy: “So, here’s a cool thing: There are currently sixteen robots (spacecraft) roaming our solar system and sending back data. Imagine in your mind, zooming back from the solar system with a bird’s eye view looking down and seeing the […]