Fair, no clouds. Bright sky due to bright waxing moon. Nice moon crater and surface feature view. Nice view of Jupiter and 4 moons but low in the sky. Blurry due to atmosphere
Fair, no clouds. Bright sky due to bright waxing moon. Nice moon crater and surface feature view. Nice view of Jupiter and 4 moons but low in the sky. Blurry due to atmosphere
“I feel no need for any other faith than my faith in the kindness of human beings. I am so absorbed in the wonder of earth and the life upon it that I cannot think of heaven and angels.”
-Pearl S. Buck
Jeffrey Fisher
Sound doesn’t happen outside, around us. True, the sound begins in a person’s throat, or at the meeting point of a hammer and nail, but that’s not where the sound is. Events like these cause vibrations. The vibrations travel through the air, then hit your eardrums. But that isn’t where sound is, either. The eardrum […]
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