This is a collection of projects I’ve worked on over the years ranging from music videos to computer simulations, from custom-built electronics to original artwork. It’s whatever I was interested at the time that I happened to document.

The Fisher Observatory

A backyard astronomical observatory.



A 3D-printed telescope. (Not an original design.)


The Adena Rover

An originally designed, custom-built rover.


Virus Simulation

A program simulating virus mutation.


Facebot 2020

A retro-inspired cardboard computer.


Hopewell v1

A model rocket with custom-built data sensors.


Puppet Monster

A hand puppet made from household items.


Turtle Feeder

An autonomous feeder with remote access.






Yellow House Recording

A full-fledged home recording studio.


“Friday the 13th”

A stop motion music video (and original music).


Puzzle Box

An original, custom-built puzzle box.


Junkbot Alpha

An autonomous robot built out of junk.


Nature/Tech Display

An art display blending nature and technology.


Hopewell v1.5

An improved rocket with custom data sensors.


3D-printed Projects

A collection of various 3d-printed projects.